In order to assist me in my software development, I would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to fill in as much of this questionnaire as you wish and return it to me. Please feel free to add any additional comments you may have. Note, you╒re welcome to complete this questionnaire even if you are not registered for any of my products: maybe your comments will lead to improvements which make it worth your while to continue using my software.
All answers will remain strictly confidential, though I may include any nice comments you make about my software in the documentation, unless you specify otherwise.
╤╤╤ Dejal Userware ╤╤╤
1.1. Which product(s) from David Lambert (Dejal Userware) do you use?
[ ] SndConverter Pro¬
[ ] SndConverter Lite¬
[ ] SndPlayer¬
[ ] SndCataloguer¬
[ ] SndRecorder
[ ] Dejal╒s Quoter FKEY
[ ] AltClipboard¬ FKEY
[ ] Other:
1.2. What do you most like about these products?
1.3. What do you most dislike about these products?
1.4. Do you think the prices are too low, too high, or just right? (Circle one.)
1.5. If you thought the prices were too high or low, what prices would you suggest?
1.6. Is price a major consideration in your software choices? Yes / No
1.7. Are there any features which, if added to my other products, would make them useful to you?
1.8. What is your opinion of the registration reminder dialog that appears when you start the applications until you personalise them?
1.9. What is your opinion of the AutoUpgrade option (where you receive a disk full of software whenever I release a new version of the registered application)?
1.10. Do you prefer the documentation as many separate, small files, as now, or would you prefer 3 - 4 larger files?
[ ] Several smaller files
[ ] A few larger files
1.11. Which documentation files did you (or do you intend to) read?
[ ] About [application]
[ ] Release History
[ ] Registration & Support
[ ] About Dejal Userware
[ ] About the Sound Library
[ ] User Comments
1.12. How do you feel about me including user comments in my documentation, and did they influence your decision in any way, for better or worse?
╤╤╤ Hardware & Software ╤╤╤
2.1. What model of Macintosh do you own and/or use most often?
2.2. List any other Macs you own:
2.3. How much memory do you have in this machine(s)?
2.4. What size hard disk(s)?
2.5. Which version of the System Software do you use?
2.6. Do you use a microphone attached to your machine (either built-in or third-party, e.g. MacRecorder¬)? Yes / No
2.7. Any additional sound-related hardware, e.g. MIDI setup, etc?
2.8. What other sound-related software do you use, e.g. SoundEdit Pro¬, SndControl¬, etc?
2.9. How big is your sound collection? (express in Mb and number of sounds if possible)
2.10. Do you own or use at work any non-Mac machines?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes (list):
╤╤╤ Personal ╤╤╤
Note: feel free to skip any questions you do not wish to answer: this information is for statistical purposes only, and will remain strictly confidential.
3.1. Your occupation?
3.2. Level of computer skills?
3.3. Age group?
[ ] less than 10
[ ] 10-15
[ ] 16-20
[ ] 21-29
[ ] 30-39
[ ] 40-49
[ ] 50-59
[ ] 60-69
[ ] 70+
╤╤╤ Questionnaire ╤╤╤
4. Do you have any suggestions for improvements to this Questionnaire, or any further comments about anything?